Vocabulary 2001~4000 (三民版) 練習卷
__________1. Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for ____________. “
a.man b. mankind c. human d. humor
__________2. What was his ___________ in college?
a.majority b. minor c. maid d. major
__________3. He is helping his father __________ the family business.
a. manage b. major c. magnet d. manager
__________4. He breathed deeply to fill his __________ with fresh air.
a. lunch b. lung c. lungs d. label
__________5. The ___________ attracts bits of iron.
a. magnet b. maid c. mankind d. magic
__________6. The bathtub is made of _____________.
a. marble b. miracle c. manager d. mankind
__________7. He is a ________________ genius.
a. mathematic b. mathematics c. mathematical d. maturity
__________8. You can make your life more ___________ by helping others.
a. meaning b. miracle c. meaningful d. meadow
__________9. It is considered bad ____________ to talk with your mouth full.
a. major b. majority c. member d. manners
_________10. We had a ____________ time at the party.
a. marvelous b. marvel b. mature d. meaningful
_________11. Mr. Brown has a __________ way with children.
a. attractive b. magical c. magnet d. manage
_________12. The _________ comes twice a week to clean our house.
a. mail b. maid c. man d. made
__________13. The ____________ of the students will take part in the activity.
a. majority b. major c. manage d. mankind
__________14. He was promoted to the position of ____________ of the department.
a. mankind b. manner c. magnet d. manager
__________15. The business failed due to poor _________________.
a. rules b. regulation c. management d. bad-manners
__________16. They are going to build a shopping __________ in the downtown area.
a. building b. mall c. shop d. store
_________17. Traffic accidents are a __________ problem in the city.
a. major b. main c. typical d. worst
__________18. Who is that pretty _____________?
a. female b. maid c. thing d. nail
__________19. She likes to wear heavy ____________.
a.makeup b. mankind c. mask d. glove
__________20. He has ____________ a lot since he left home.
a. meadow b. mayor c. matured d. meaningful
__________21. ________________ is a required course in senior high school.
a. mathematical b. mathematic c. matte d. mature
__________22. That held a ____________ for freedom.
a. marching b. March c. marchable d. march
__________23. You will be _____________ ill-mannered if you leave without saying good-bye.
a. seen b. mean c. looked at d. considered
__________24. They held a ____________ along the street.
a. walking b. parade c. march d. marveling
_________25. If you are __________________, you will be popular.
a. well-mannered b. ill-mannered c. happy-mannered d. nice-mannered
_________26. Sheep are grazing in the ____________.
a. grass b. food c. hey d. meadow
_________27. She smiled at me __________________.
a. happy b. beautiful c. meaningfully d. carefully
__________28. Jane is _________ beyond her age.
a. mature b. major c. magnet d. meaningful
__________29. We _____________ at the golfer’s skills.
a. math b. mature c. marveled d. march
__________30. The troops are _________ along the street.
a. marching b. marrows c. mature d. manners
- May 14 Sat 2011 15:40
Vocabulary 2001~4000 (三民版) 練習卷 第27課
- May 14 Sat 2011 14:04
東大高職二年級下學期第六課 (翻譯)
東大高職二年級下學期第六課 (翻譯)
- 對西元2050年的年輕人而言,生活並不容易。以Brian為例。
- 這名青年部和朋友一起消磨時間也不去上學。
- 反之, Brian每天必須走好幾個小時去尋找乾淨的飲用水。直到他找到足夠的水攻他的弟弟和妹妹使用,他才可以回家。
- 由於人口膨脹與用水的需求遽增, Brian生活在史上水資源最匱乏的年代。
- 令人難過的是,因水源短缺無法種植農作物,Brian的父母在乾旱期間死於飢荒。
- 疾病也造成許多人死亡。
- 雖然Brian已經好幾個月沒有洗澡,但他努力保持乾淨以避免生病。
- 這聽起來像是一場噩夢,還是像一則恐怖的科幻故事呢?
- 事實上,現今世界上有些國家已經面臨水資源缺乏的問題。
10. 以埃及這個乾燥的國家為例,他所需地淡水大多都取自尼羅河。
11. 然而,埃及的鄰國蘇丹和伊索比亜大量攝取尼羅河水源以攻農用,致使埃及分配到較少量的水源。
12. 由於埃及沒有足夠的的水灌溉農作物,於是境內一半以上的糧食需仰賴進口。
13. 由於埃及人需要水飲用與耕種,水資援匱乏已成為一嚴重的問題。
14. 可以預知的是,這個地區激烈的搶水衝突將於日後引發戰爭。
15. 中國是另一個飽受缺水危機的國家。
16. 中國北方的地下水抄抽造成部分地區的地下水位每年下降一公尺, 許多水景也因此乾枯。
17. 結果,中國有數百名農夫沒有足夠的水種植農作物。
18. 此外,由於部分河川、湖泊污染如此嚴重,導致河水及湖水完全無法使用。
19. 因此,越來越多農夫被迫休耕,中國的糧食供給也日漸缺乏。
20. 世界顯然正面臨著水資源危機。
21. 更重要的是,科學家估計全球的用水量到西元2050年前會加倍,這意味著至少有四分之一的人口將生活在水資源短缺的國家。
22. 無疑地,節約用水十分重要。
23. 幸運的是,我們可以採取某些措施來節約用水。
24. 首先,簡易的方法包括縮短淋浴時間、一週洗一次衣服,及刷牙時將水龍頭關上等。
25. 較複雜的省水方式包括安裝特殊的低流量馬桶,以減少家庭用水。
26. 雖然我們每天使用水,甚至有時浪費水,絕對是我們在世界上最珍貴的資源之一。
27. 世界上水資源的供給量絕對不是取之不絕的。除非我們採取行動,才能解決水資源短缺的問題。
28. 我們不可以忽視這個問題的嚴重性。
29. 因此,我們每一個人都應該在日常生活中努力節約用水。
30. 如果我們從現在開始省水,我們便能拯救地球及我們自己免於悲慘的未來。
- May 12 Thu 2011 12:30
1. He cooks dinner every day.
Dinner _____________________________________
2. They have learned English for three years.
English _____________________________________
3. My mother will bake cookies this weekend.
Cookies _____________________________________
4. Gina is baking two pies now.
Two pies _____________________________________
5. Jill ate two hamburgers for lunch.
Two hamburgers __________________________________
6. Students were cleaning their classroom when their teacher came in.
Students’ classroom ___________________________________
7. She started learning English three years ago. She still learns English now.
8. He will cook dinner. He comes back.
As soon as __________________________________________
9. Terry works hard. Terry wants to be a rich woman.
_________________________ in order to ___________________________
10. If Lily wants to get good grades on the test, she has to study very hard.
11. It is the way. He does the job.
12. He visited the place. His grandfather lives in the place.
13. He found a cat. The cat was in the big garbage can.
14. The woman is my teacher. My mother is talking to the woman.
15. The girl is my classmate. The girl is standing on the corner.
16. Who is the boy? The boy sits next to Jerry.
17. She is the tallest girl in the class. She is tall enough to be a basketball player.
18. May doesn’t know where she should stay tonight. (不定詞)
19. This is the reason. He didn’t come to the party.
20. She is the only student. She knows how to do the math problem.
21. Amy wants to buy a house. She has to save a lot of money.
If _________________________________________________________________
22. Jill came home at 7:00. She ate dinner at 7:30.
____________________________after _____________________________
23. Sue is 54kg. Susan is 50kg. Lenny is 45kg.
Sue ___________________________________________________
24. The blue building has five floors. The White building has five floors, too.
The blue building _________________ as _______________as __________
25. The baseball was exciting to many people.
Many people _____________________________________________
26. He was bored by the TV problem.
- May 11 Wed 2011 15:00
初級英檢文法寫作(四) 關代
1. How will you go to Taipei? Can you tell me?
2. What can you do for our class on Field day? I am not sure.
3. Why did you drink a lot of water? Can you tell me?
4. The earth is round. It is true.
5. You can't come to my party. I don't believe it.
6. Can she wantto help me with my homework? Do you know that?
7. Where will your cousin move to? Do you know that?
8. This is a pretty town. I was born in the town.
9. The girl is very slim and pretty. The girl is in a pink dress.
10. She is the only girl in her class. Every boy in class like to help her.
11. This is the reason. She wants to visit her grandparents.
12. Math is difficult for me. Math is not my favorite subject.
13. My sister, Susan, is very popular in our school. She is very smart and intellegent.
14. The boy is very helpful. The boy is my brother.
15. My mother is talking the the woman over there. The woman is my teacher.
- May 10 Tue 2011 13:49
1. You have to study hard. You want to pass GEPT test. (If.........., .........)
2. My boss is satisfied my working . ( My working ……)
3. I'm surprised at the news. (The news........)
4. He doesn't want to go shopping. He doesn't want to see a movie. (....neither.....nor.....)
5. Tina walks to school sometimes. She takes a bus to school sometimes. (....either .....or....)
6. She is too young to be a teacher. (.....so...that......)
7. She is so short that she can't reach the bookshelf. (....too....to...)
8. She is not smart, but she usually gets good grades on the tests. (Although..........)
9. Toby didn't go to school yesterday because he was sick. (.........., so.......)
10. Tina woke up late this morning, so she couldn't catch the bus. ( ..........because......)
11. Mr. Wang wants to go to the US. He also wants to go to the UK. (…both…and..)
12. Alice is 163cms. Anna is 156 cms. Amy is 159cms. (Amy is….)
= Alice____________________________________________________
= Amy______________________________________________________
13. Mrs. Lin is older than Mr. Lin.
=Mr.Lin ____________________________________________________
14. She is not tall enough to be a basketball player. (….too ….to …)
15. She didn’t study hard enough, so she didn’t pass the exam. (…because…)
16. She drew the picture happily yesterday. (The picture…..)
- May 09 Mon 2011 16:13
一. (..not only…but also…, both…and…)
1. Not only Ted but also Lydia is a student. (…both …and)
2. Both Julia and Cindy are students. (not only…but also…)
3. Ted is good at not only baseball but also basketball. (…both …and)
4. She is not only beautiful but also smart. (…both …and)
5. She is thin. She is also tall. (not only…but also…)
6. My sister did well on the math test. She also did well on the English test. (not only…but also…)
7. We want to go to France. We also want to go to America. (not only…but also…)
8. My teacher is very stick. My teacher is very serious, too.
9. Both my parents asked their children have to study hard for the school work. (not only…but also…)
10. He likes going hiking. He also likes going jogging. (not only…but also…)
11. Both my classmates, Tina and James, like to watch movies.
- May 09 Mon 2011 15:04
ㄧ. If / Whether / 名詞子句
1. When did it happen? I forgot .
2. Can Lydia dance? Ask them.
3. What are you going to wear tomorrow for the party? I really want to know.
4. Will he write you a postcard? I don't need to know.
5. Did Mr. Lin invite you for dinner? Dad wants to know.
6. Has Jannet been to Hong Kong? Do you have any idea?
7. How long will it take to fly to Korea? I'm trying to find out.
8. How does Mr. Black go to work every day? I think nobody knows.
9. Who told you the news? You must let me know.
10. How tall is the man? Tell me.
11. What did he see? I didn’t know.
12. Why is he so nervous? No one knows.
13. How tall is the man? Tell me.
14. What did he see? I didn’t know.
15. Why is he so nervous? No one knows.
16. How much does it cost? Do you remember?
17. How many students didn’t come to school yesterday? Mr. Wang wants to know.
18. When did the game start? Can you tell him?
19. He will be here tomorrow. I don’t know.
20. She likes me. Do you have any idea?
21. We will win. If he joins game tomorrow.
22. What time is it? Would you tell me?
23. What time is it? I’d like to know.
24. Who write you a letter? Please tell me.
25. The earth is round. It is true.
26. How many people died during the typhoon? They have no idea.